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"Every child should experience the joy of opening a toy." ~ Kendall Thompson



Our Story







Toys for Orphans was started by 8-year-old Kendall Thompson (in 2014) with the mission of providing toys for children in orphanages around the world. Kendall saw the need after her dad returned from a missionary trip, and she asked the question, "Did the orphans you meet have toys," when her father replied I don't recall seeing them with toys, she immediately ran to her room saying, "I will provide them with toys."  Ever since she has been requesting and acquiring new toys to send to kids in orphanages around the world. 


Kendall's goal is for every child to experience the excitement and joy that comes with opening a new toy. That is the moment she is capturing with Toys for Orphans.


Toys for Orphans is a part of S.O.A.R! Each year, a country is selected as a focus country. Kendall works to acquire toys for an orphanage or organization in a country that has a need. 


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